


Households (Grid Connection)

Service levels 1 to 3 (as energy source for lighting) represent the backlog:

1. Other

2. Candles

3. Paraffin

4. Gas

5. Solar

6. Electrified


Households (Non- Grid Connection)

Households located in remote or rural areas and are far away from the existing electricity infrastructure and uses solar home system as energy source for lighting, media and communication access.


Schools (Grid Connection)

Service levels 1 to 3 (as energy source for lighting) represent the backlog:

1. Other

2. Candles

3. Paraffin

4. Gas

5. Solar

6. Electrified


Schools (Non-Grid Connection)

Schools located in rural areas and are far away from the existing electricity infrastructure and uses solar system as energy source for lighting, media access and a computer for administration.


Clinics (Grid Connection)

Service levels 1 to 3 (as energy source for lighting) represent the backlog:

1. Other

2. Candles

3. Paraffin

4. Gas

5. Solar

6.  Electrified


Clinics (Non - Grid Connection)

Clinics located in rural areas and are far away from the existing electricity infrastructure and uses solar system as energy source for lighting, media access, refrigeration of medicines and a computer for administration.
